Sultan Trengano kepada Gabenor Bengal (EIC) - 7 November 1786.

OLEH: Izmal Karim

Deskripsi :

Terjemahan Warkah Melayu Klasik (Jawi) ke Bahasa Inggeris dari journal Belanda.

This letter is sent from your friend sultan Munson, son of sultan Ziemul Abudeen (Sultan Mansur Riayat Shah I Sultan Zainal Abidin I- (1741-1794), (a) to you, who are a valuable and noble friend, and who are known to Hindustan and Arabia. God grant you long life and preserve you from the distresses of the world. I received your letter by the hands of captain Steven, and understand its contents. The articles which accompanied it, as per annexed list, I also received. My heart was gladdened by the arrival of your letter — my arrival with you is not far off — may our mutual friendship last for ever. I am very desirous of this interview and of a lasting friendship with the English. I wrote an answer by captain Hobbs and was desirous of lasting friendship. But fate ordered to captain Hobbs that when he had sailed two days from Tringano (Tere, a classy from Java (b) wounded him while he was asleep. Captain Hobbs then returned to Tringano, and died after 5 of 6 days, and my letters were delayed, because I did not meet with any one that I could entrust with my letters for you which could maintain our friendship. You will ask captain Glass, captain Thomas and Mr. John Bird, who are acquainted with my affairs, and with my intention towards you. The muskets which you sent me, as mentioned in your letter, from not being worth anything, I have returned, and request in future you will send me such as may be useful, or I do not want any, though I ask you for 300 small muskets agreeable to a muster I send by Mr. John Bird after the death of captain Hobbs. Mr. John Bird was desirous of sailing with the effects of the deceased. I opposed this, because captain Hobbs left no such orders with me; afterwards captain Canning and Mr. Phillips etc. came to me, and I consulted them respecting the effects of captain Hobbs, and they unanimously desired me to deliver them to Mr. John Bird, and give him his discharge to take them to Bengal when captain Canning etc. gave him a letter notifying that I had given him permission to depart with them — advise and the good and bad is on Mr. John Bird (c). These articles were for Java and not for Bengal, Mr. John Bird sold these articles, and took in exchange goods for Bengal from me. He has done this himself, and has occasioned a loss upon the goods of 3891 Koors. This notice I give you, and prove the circumstance to you, my sole intention and desire is to maintain a friendship with you, and that you may continue to write me letters. I request you will fix on some one to send to me; you are doubtless so that I may ask him about all matters. Dated at twelve o'clock at night of the 14th. of Junadecul Jama in the year 125 (?). This letter was written in haste; I hope your favor to forgive, and not to perceive my faults.

Bijl. 1 noot a bl. 159. Brief van den sultan van Atjeh dd. 7 November 1786 aan den gouv.-gen. van Bengalen:

(a) Deze zal dan dezelfde moeten zijn, die in Veth's, Atohin" (1873) bl. 66 genoemd is Alaoe'd-din Mahmoed Shah Djohan; in 1781 op den troon gekomen, overleed hij in 1795.

(b) CZossy w. z. een matroos. Zie Hobson-Jobson's „Glossary of Anglo-Indian Colloquial words etc." (1886). — In de verzameling ligt ook een brief van den vorst van Trengano aan den gouv.-gen. te Calcutta John Macpherson dd. 24 Februari 1787, waarin hij diens vriendschap inroept tegen de Hollanders.

(c) Ik neem dit zoo over.


Warkah ini menjadi bukti Sultan Mansur (Marhum Janggut) Terengganu cuba mendapatkan bantuan dari East India Company (EIC) ataupun British di Bengal dengan mendapatkan bekalan senjata api bagi menghadapi persedian dari sebarang ancaman ataupun serangan Raja Rama I (1782 –1809), Dinasti Chakri di Siam.

1770, di laporkan Sultan Trengganu ataupun Siak (Sumatra) telah menghadiahkan 2200 flintlock guns kepada Raja Taksin (1767-1782), Dinasti Thanburi di Siam dalam kempen menentang Burma melalui perantaraan Kapitan Lek. Tindakan berbaik-baik dengan Siam ketika ini lebih terarah mencari sokongan (bantuan jika perlu) bagi mengekang pengaruh Belanda yang kian kuat bertapak di Kepulauan Melayu.

Namun selepas peralihan Raja Taksin kepada Raja Rama I, Kesultanan Terengganu dan negeri-negeri melayu di utara semenanjung terus di tekan oleh Siam berikutan tindakannya memperluaskan wilayah dalam menandingi Burma sebagai kuasa utama di Asia Tenggara.

Rujukan :
1. Raffles' Atjeh-Overeenkomst Van 1819.P. H. Van Der Kemp. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en. Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indiƫ. Deel 51, 2de Afl., [6e Volgreeks, 7e Deel] (1900), pp. 159-240.
2. Asian Expansions: The Historical Experiences of Polity Expansion in Asia.1st Edition. Geoff Wade.2014.
3. Rise And Fall Of The Bangkok Mandala. Edward Van Roy. Journal of Asian History.Vol. 45, No. 1/2 (2011), pp. 85-118.
4. Muka depan Buku Firearms. An Illustrated History. DK Smithsonian.

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